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Find your voice and never lose it!

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”

Malala Yousafzai

Over the course of many years, I have met many inspiring and beautiful people.  Whether in person or through the world of technology, I have had the distinct opportunity to connect with amazing men and women and join a mission as warriors of light.  I have experienced and know how important it is to inspire others, to grow people, to give credit and appreciation when due, to teach, and most importantly to be in a partnership where both sides benefit in the end.

About 6 years ago this year, out of the blue I received a message from a true ambassador of beauty. A voice of a stranger that was not only affirming, but exactly what I needed to continue planting the seeds that would one day “blossom” into something magnificent. She had that kind of profound effect on my life, and I am certain on the lives of many.  And all she said to me was “What you wrote spoke to me- thank you.”  One beautiful voice lending its encouragement to bolster my own, to help me to move forward into an experience of freedom that I have only dreamt about.  There are times in life when possibility falls silent and we need desperately to hear that one powerful voice that acts as a simple offering of hope so that we do not give up believing in ourselves.  

And each day since, a whisper has turned into a loud roar. As I grow courageous, I embark on a journey outside of my comfort zone beckoning others to come along.  Silent withdrawal now a distant memory, weeding out the habits that hold me back, to find my truth that had been there all along. But I shall never forget that magical connection with so much gratitude.  Having never met in person until much later, she affected my life so profoundly.  Now having found my voice, I remember well those who helped to bring it to the fore. Now I protect it so that I can give the gift that she gave to me to others.  And so on, and so on, and so on! Whether it be as a seeker of justice, to bring wisdom, to speak on behalf of others, to speak up for myself, we all possess a powerful voice for good if used to build up rather than destroy. Once we find it, we must do our best to cultivate it and never lose it.  Then how powerful we all can be together.

If you enjoyed reading this daily excerpt from my book “The Magical Guide to Bliss“, claim your bliss and purchase the book at amazon by clicking

Butterflies, Blessings, and Bliss!

Copyright – all Rights Reserved – Butterflies & Bliss, LLC 2016


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