Love the Butterflies & Bliss Trilogy? Leave a top review! The Magical Guide to Bliss, Sparkle & Shine, Butterfly Awakens.

The Magical Guide
to Bliss
Shining a glorious light into the darkness, author Meg Nocero’s The Magical Guide to Bliss leads you on a life-changing journey of self-discovery that helps you recover a sense of meaning and fully realize your personal passions.
Organizing the adventure into 366 steps that correspond to one calendar year, this book presents daily quotes and reflections that are paired with magical keys, which will unlock the doors you’ll encounter on the road to bliss. Learn the art of seizing the day in January, and by the time December comes, you’ll be witnessing awe-inspiring magic and miracles!
Sparkle & Shine
Sparkle & Shine is a handbook that sets out to inspire the reader to embrace their magic within through the practice of M.A.N.T.R.A.s, or reinforced positive affirmations. This book offers a supplement to the wisdom in my guide, the award-winning The Magical Guide to Bliss, Daily Key to Unlock Your Dreams, Spirit & Inner Bliss; it keeps the reader moving forward on their hero’s journey with daily tools to help with their amazing transformation. With this, get ready to add a meditative mantra practice to brighten your day and lighten your way. Time to manifest the life of your dreams and get inspired to come alive to the wonderful possibilities that await you! So, let’s continue the journey with this Sparkle & Shine handbook and develop a new uplifting affirmation practice, one M.A.N.T.R.A. at a time. We got this!

Butterfly Awakens
My dark night of the soul led me on a physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual quest to find my light. A must-read memoir of transformation and hope for those who need inspiration navigating grief after any kind of loss or mental wellness challenge.
My life was beautiful until my beloved mother, my mentor and guide, died as a result of a hard battle with breast cancer. Before she died, she told me to live a life filled with love with few regrets. After struggling with depression and anxiety, questioning my life purpose, I resigned from a 20 year federal career as an attorney to search for my calling and the lighthouse I saw in a vision before my mother passed away. Here, I tell the story of my hero’s journey, one that led me to live my life with eyes wide open as I took a spiritual pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago in Spain and learned the lessons that changed my life for the better.
Click here to view a quick trailer for Butterfly Awakens.