“The numerology of 11/11 is time to get focused on what we truly want-and walk through the door of new possibilities.” Felicia Bender
Feel this day, the high spiritual vibration that shows up just for you! New beginnings, opportunities to define what exactly it is that you want, and keep your eyes open to the opportunities. Pick up a copy of my new edition of The Magical Guide to Bliss if you need a little more inspiration or wisdom along the way!
Here is an excerpt from the blogger Felicia Bender at The Numinous, Material Girl, Mystical World, on today’s meaning in a numerological sense:
In Numerology, the 11 is a Master Number.
So what does that mean? Master Numbers are repeating numbers (11, 22, 33, and so on). Master Numbers contain a higher spiritual vibration, for lack of a better term. A Master Number is a highly charged frequency made of energy that brings specific opportunities to us when it shows up.
So what’s the 11 all about?
First of all, the number 1 is all about new beginnings, independence, initiative, achievement, individuation, self-confidence, and innovative creativity. So when you see this repeating number—a double number one—remind yourself to focus on what you want in your life rather than what you don’t want. . .
The energy of the number 1 expands what we’re focused on. With this energy in our court, we’ll begin to manifest our thoughts and desires into reality with turbo-speed. It’s imperative to be disciplined and mindful about how we focus our thoughts and actions. If there’s any time to dive into your positive affirmation file, this is the time.
As Mother Teresa once said: “I’m not against war, I’m for peace.”
So rather than grid-locking our emotions around what we don’t like or what we don’t want, this is a portal to fully shift out of “I’m anti-[fill-in-the-blank]” and into “I’m for [Fill-In-The-Blank].
The 11 is also the higher level 2 energy. The number 2 is all about harmony, balance, cooperation, diplomacy, and love. Part of the challenge of the 11 is learning to align the personal will and sense of being with divine will or the higher realms.
As for the date 11/11, this can be seen as an opening—a doorway. If you look at the numbers, you can see this visual representation —since each 11 actually looks like a door. The two doors can be seen as an intersection between the physical world and the spiritual world. And so, on this especially important 11/11, make sure to focus your thoughts, think of the bigger picture, and see what opportunities are opening up to you.
You Have a Calling- the Show Must Go On! was originally published on Meg Nocero