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I choose to take care of myself.

Happy 1st Book Anniversary Sparkle & Shine!

“MEG”net Affirmation:

I choose to take care of myself.

Be kind, be gentle, be loving, be true – to yourself. Self-care is so important especially during challenging times. If you are kind and gentle to yourself then it will be easier to be that way for others. Life can be very stressful. There is no way around that. And, deadlines to meet other people’s priorities and expectations can be very taxing on your system There is a Zen proverb that is really good advice for those who find themselves weighed down by life. It goes as follows, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day – unless you’re too busy; then you should sit for an hour.” Give yourself the greatest gift by taking time to pay attention to how you feel. Give yourself at least 20 minutes of love and choose to take care of yourself. When the plane is about to go down, you have to put the oxygen on yourself first.

What is a “MEG”net Affirmation?

A magical “MEG”net affirmation is an uplifting statement that helps you to create a habit that manifests and attracts more positivity into your life. In simplest terms, a magnet is an object that produces a magnetic field that pulls objects to it. Like a magnet, a “MEG”net in simplest terms is a tool that you can use to level up your own extraordinary power within to attract more magnificence. Using my name “MEG” added to the net, I add my personal touch to help open up your net to capture all the good coming your way and shift to a higher vibration every day. These affirmations can help you to come alive to the beauty of your dreams that will lead to bliss.

“MEG”net Affirmation Cards & Sparkle & Shine

Like a caterpillar changes in the cocoon, you can emerge renewed into spiritual freedom that marks a new beginning.  Embracing your own beauty reaching new heights, time to be just like the butterfly.

“MEG”net Affirmations and cards available, Sparkle & Shine, 108 M.A.N.T.R.A.s to Brighten your Day and Lighten Your Way.

Go to amazon and get your copy today!

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I choose to take care of myself. was originally published on Meg Nocero

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