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You are blessed, behave yourself and never mind the rest!

You are blessed, behave yourself and never mind the rest!

“Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest.”

Beatrix Potter

Believe in the magic and the mystery that will conspire in your favor to bring all things good to your life. Even when things look bleak, something greater than it seems is going on. Trust! This can be so simple a concept, yet so difficult when fear overtakes you. When this is your creed, it is freeing, it is loving, and it most of all will guide you to a place of bliss. While it may seem like whatever you are experiencing is the end of the world, know that as long as you are living and breathing there is great hope to know the great power or energy that surrounds us all. You are blessed to be aware of the synchronicities as they present themselves. Your angels will appear for you. When you need that special person the most, the universe will conspire to bring you both together. When you need a boost of love, you will get it from perhaps a surprising source. These are the events in life that infuse light into a place that was otherwise painful. These are the events that will remind you that you are never alone. So look around today in awareness of the goodness, behave yourself and never mind the rest. It is time to do your best to employ 100% of your faith in the great power that is silently working all things for good. Take care of yourself and wait for it. For even in your darkest moments, simplicity in faith will set you free. You have no time to waste on the rest!

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