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Why I’ll Never Give up on the Beauty of My Dreams!

Why I’ll Never Give up on the Beauty of My Dreams!

2019: My Self-Prescribed Year of Magic

Why I’ll never give up on the beauty of my dreams because God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. And, I am not speaking to religion, but energy, the universal divine. While I do share with the world the highlights of this magical year, I would be remiss to leave out the challenges as well.

Life is interesting. While manifesting is a very simple process, past hurts, habits and triggers tend to complicate things. Abraham Hicks calls it “the contrast,” how I have attracted the things that I don’t want.  Only then, I truly understand and know what I want that is waiting for me in what they call “the vortex” or others call “divine purpose or path.”


I began 2019 channeling magic focusing on love. In fact, my S.H.I.N.E. Networking Event theme was S.H.I.N.E. Love this year. And, boy did I need it, especially “Self-Love.” You see after giving it my all, mostly with one of my best friends, we held a successful afternoon of amazingness.  With consistency and commitment, she showed up and did not let me down. We, with others who helped, experienced a fabulous day at the Ritz.

With any event comes challenges. And, after the event ended, the “sh*t” hit the fan. From navigating a parental nightmare when my child lost a close friend to suicide to finishing a memoir that had me isolated dealing with the loss of my mother all over again. With the excitement of starting my own business to fear after leaving a 6 figure salary of a safe job. Hit by the stress of expectations on my marriage to the stress of discord on a national scale. From facing my own insecurities to almost losing my dog to an unknown sickness. Friends who moved on after 25 years to acceptance of season, reason and lifetime. Surrounded by love and holding on to my dreams were the only thing that kept me going.


While I show the world the exciting things, it takes a whole lot of courage on the daily to walk with faith.  Taking risks may not be easy, but I am most definitely betting on worthwhile!  I thought losing my mom was hard, but living without her especially this year wow- it’s a whole different level of searching within to see what I am made of.

Despite how depressed or sad I get, because I do, I have developed tools to keep putting myself out there because my one true North, my dream to inspire positive energy, keeps me going. Maybe I am crazy. This has been a humbling experience waiting for a subjective yes or no, especially around my writing. The initial sting of rejection does hurt. But, I do tell myself over and over, rejection is just a course correction and I have to believe it. The call of a visionary is not for the weak of mind. You see, how you think is what will allow you to “set the world on fire.” This I know. Look at visionaries of the past and current time, you need a strong constitution to stand up for what you believe to be right.


“I believe; help my unbelief.” Mark 9:24

The greatest lesson learned from this year is magical self-love. I am the only one who has the power to decide how I feel about all of this. With acts empowered by a vision, even the rejection felt by a leaving a nearly 20 year career only to have to start over again holds great purpose. Even being turned away by agents will guide me to where I need to go. My mother raise three strong women. Her legacy continues with each of us as we set out to create our own.  I have learned in the process that faith is essentially to rise above, beyond and believe in the beauty of whatever dreams that you have. While inspiration comes and goes and my path has been both smooth and challenging, I know that the journey is made perfect for me. And with that, even if the universe delivers more chaos, all is well because in my heart and soul I will never give up on the beauty of my dreams. To thine self be true. Follow your North Star and have no expectations what happens when you get there. Stand back and let the magic happen! Merry Magical Christmas!

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