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What feels like an end is only a new beginning!

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”

J.K. Rowling

You grow spiritually as a result of many different life events.  While some of these life events are difficult to endure, transformation comes quickly when you find yourself at the end of your rope, hitting rock bottom with only one way to go – UP! There are many people who hit the lowest point in life and instead of giving up, make the choice to turn inward relying on the unseen for strength and guidance to rebuild their lives.  And, this turning inward with love has proven to establish a solid foundation to build their own legacy for all to see and emulate. This hope in possibility when the world seems to be closing in will give way to an endurance that becomes a beautiful tribute to the magic of the human spirit. Each day you decide to move forward is an opportunity to continue to build on your strong foundation and your belief in what good you can bring in the here and now. As long as you continue to act upon your own guidance and incorporate your actions with love, yours will be a legacy of leadership based upon solid principles and a lot of inspiration. Turning something that felt like the end of your world into a new beginning, you get to share this gift of hope with others as each new sun rises of your soul’s bliss.

Magical Key to Bliss: Focus on someone inspirational and name 3 qualities about that person that moves you! Incorporate those into your life as a part of your new beginning!


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