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What do you really want?

“Ask, and it shall be given you;  seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”

Matthew 7:7

You are great seeker.  Do not forget this. Your greatest gift in life is your amazing curiosity and desire to learn.  This is and has always been an innate part of every fiber of your being.  Examining the incredible planet that you live on.  Desiring to understand the connections each and every day.  Challenging your mind to expand as you think outside any box that has been presented to you.  Looking for the answers to your inquiry as you go about your day.  Knowing intuitively that all you have to do is ask the right questions and get ready to receive.  For you inherently know what you want, you just need to take the time to clarify what it is.  There is power in setting out your life’s direction.  For life gives you exactly what you need if you ask for it.  If it is a healthy state of being, you will be inspired by guided action.  If it is peace of mind, you will receive moments of profound silence. If it is abundance, you will be blessed with opportunities to use your talents for your highest good. And, if it is love you seek, you will be overcome by self-acceptance and a belief that will attract greater affection in return.  Stop living in fear of not becoming and begin to be by asking for what experiences you ultimately desire.  You are a great seeker.  With that knowledge, knock on the door of life and see what waits for you on the other side.  For when you ask, believe and are ready to receive, what you will find will be just what you are looking for.

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