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We’ve got this!

Meg’s mantra: we’ve got this!

I lost myself a long time ago but never gave up finding me again! Believe me I had searched high and low – waiting for the true me to show. Come Alive again I begged my soul- please to live like this – I just don’t know. But I never gave up even though it felt like I would never spark – how could I give up when I was given such an incredible loving heart – *then it happened I started to get a glimpse of my shine again and with a great big smile I recognized there I was – I see you, I love you, my long lost friend – *while it was a hard fought battle- still is at times- I now see the beautiful light in my eyes- I am ready and willing now that I have found me and am open to the surprise! So if you find yourself in that dark place not sure what you have to gain by taking a step by step over and over again- love yourself first through the pain – it’s ok if it takes some time – I promise if you don’t give up on you – you will most surely shine- *by the way I am here for you- won’t let you go- it is written and the Angels tell me so!!! Happy Valentine’s Day my loves! We’ve got this! ‪#‎themagicalguidetobliss‬

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