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Time to Get Your SHINE Together!

Change Your Life to SHINE

“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.” Carol Burnett

April is here. My sister often declares “Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit” on the first day of a new month. This is a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words “rabbit” three times aloud upon waking  to ensure good luck. Therefore, because I believe in magical rituals to put you in the right headspace, why not all of us exclaim “Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, today is the day to get ready to transform dreams into reality!”

Time to Get Your SHINE Together!

The first three months have come and gone.  And boy did I put it all out there. I was so obedient to the vision that I had for S.H.I.N.E. I listened with intent to the signs all around. And, boy oh boy, the universe effortlessly danced with me for an incredible result. Perhaps, some would say I was obstinate, ignorant, or even perhaps a bit selfish. I think I was mostly scared mixed with magic. Because I was sometimes lead by fear, it was hard to be in faith. Because I was lead by magic, I was carried. I think this is how life often goes.

Perhaps that is why dreamers are hard to work with at times. I live in a place where I have seen what is about to unfold. It is very difficult to communicate sometimes to others. I trust and at times, this has lead to defensive behavior.

I have much to learn about leadership, but I am learning. The biggest lesson, as an empath, I cannot get distracted by the drama. This can lead to veering off the course and getting stuck in the so-called weeds.  I have often said pay attention to what the universe calls you to do. Magical things take inspired work and dedication to see them come to light. But when you follow, effortless magic sets in. The being astonished part is all about the celebration as to the vision made reality. And if you are lucky, you get to have magical people at your side for the ride. If you want to see the dream come to pass, then it is time to back off the judgment and self-critique and believe in the who you are becoming and the why to get your SHINE together!

Transform Dreams into Reality

So here we are, the Fourth Month of 2019. I, for one, am ready to not get distracted by the drama and set out to finish what I have started on many fronts. It is exciting because I believe more in myself today than I did yesterday. The phrase march to the beat of your own soul makes so much sense to me now. It is not in just one part of your life, but in all.

This is the month I gained an angel 8 years ago to watch over me. I know for sure that she is all around me. She is holding me in her loving arms as I continue to walk in the direction of my soul’s calling. I know this. I hear her beautiful words when I get still and listen. You may or may not understand this, but there is a presence just beyond the veil waiting to help you as well if you welcome it.

As you embark with me on this month of transforming dreams into reality, I support you, I cheer you on, and I will be there to watch you sing your song. I am ready to share my divine knowledge with others through my own brand of teaching that has connected me to my own heart space and the world. That is my dream. I am making this a reality. I stand in gratitude as I am still walking my own Camino. Looking forward to celebrating every day of it from this day on!

Oh and if you get the chance, let your light shine so bright that it shifts the energy in the room! Happy April!

Here is the You tube Clip of S.H.I.N.E. 2019:


Time to Get Your SHINE Together! was originally published on Meg Nocero

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