“Don’t go to the grave with the music still in you.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
It is May Day. A time of great celebration. A time of merriment as you tap into your creative spirit. A time of blossoming as you prepare for the festivities that a creative lifestyle brings. A time of choosing to make miraculous shifts as you start paying attention to what brings you joy. Get enthusiastic for your party. Reprogram your past negative chatter into uplifting affirmations. Move into a belief that you are the only one who can give yourself the permission to to be whoever you want to be. You have been blessed with the music that is in you. Own it and start to proudly sing your aria, your amazing song that comes from within. Let it come through you as you act in divine service to your greater purpose whether in the role of doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, social worker, performer- you name it. When you start to honor your talents by offering them to to the world, you will feel more alive than ever before and inspire more people than you will ever know. And what was once your own melody will conspire with others to create an operatic masterpiece. What was once your own solo will create a symphony of delight. And what was once a party of one will turn into a rave where the dancing will never end all because you decided to release the beautiful music and not take it to the grave. Sing on, play on, dance on!!!!
Magical Key to Bliss: Find a mentor who inspires you and imitate what they have done to let their music be heard.