“Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.”
~Napoleon Hill
Creative inspiration surrounds you on a daily basis. It comes to you through nature, through your interactions with others, or through studying those who have gone before. To take advantage of the inspiration and allow your creative genius to unfold, you need to set out a plan. When you put pen to paper and capture the creative thought process as it is conceived, the path to discovery becomes crystal clear. When you take the time to set out your heart’s greatest desires in a concrete way, you outline the necessary steps needed to get to where you want to go. Carry around a notebook to capture the ideas that come at you from out of the blue. Write down on your hand inspirational concepts that get you excited to be alive. Sketch ideas anywhere you can to take a snapshot from a scene of your imagination. Then, you have given form to something that was previously just a part of your dreams. Then, you have taken the steps needed to go to the next level. Get ready. These ideas will come to you when you are relaxed on a routine drive to work, are refreshed as you let the water wash over you in the shower or are enlightened during a guided meditation. With something close by to jot down your inspirations, you will remember to memorialize these ideas to further review at a later time. Giving concrete form to what was once intangible, you become a vital part of making these ideas transform into a beautiful new reality that will give you a lifetime of fulfillment and joy.
