“Run my dear, from anything that may not strengthen your precious budding wings.”
There is so much power in the symbolism of the butterfly. There are miraculous stages that the butterfly must go through to achieve such beauty and effortless grace. There is incredible evidence of metamorphoses as we watch the butterfly accept the changes that nature brings. The butterfly is the ultimate reflection of a soul that is expanding as it undergoes growing pains in the process. We can follow the example of the butterfly as we experience our own magnificent transformation. We can support our journey by visualizing our beautiful wings getting stronger and stronger. We can come into contact with others while protecting this growth. We can become instinctively aware of our surroundings and keep the faith that all is unfolding as it should. As we blossom, there is a magical sense of purpose through expansion. As we embody self love and prepare to fly using the unfurling glory of the butterfly as an example, we quickly learn to run from anything that does not strengthen our confidence and to run to those things that assist the development of our budding wings. And as we learn and grow, soon we shall fly!
Magical Key to Bliss: Pay attention to conversations today and lean towards those that strengthen you.
