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Receive what comes with faith & trust!

Meg’s mantra: Ask, believe, receive what comes with faith and trust!

I ask you all today to take on the role of healer! I believe that we are all here for a reason, healing this universe is one of those reasons! If you see someone who seems lost or is in pain, please reach out how you can- if you see animals or nature that needs your help too- but do so with a great love that can only come from within you! Share your light and help others to shine as well. I ask you all today to take on the role of believer! Believe in possibility- believe in amazing possibility- believe in magic and miracles! If more of you do, then the outcome will be better than you would have ever imagined. I ask you all today to take on the role of the receiver. After you ask the universe for what your soul needs, be open to receive what is only given to you to serve your highest good. Pay attention to your intuition and welcome the beauty into your life. Finally I ask you all today to trust and have faith- whatever that looks like to you- for when you do blessings will for sure be yours!

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