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My Year of Magical Thinking: Why not?

You see things; and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?’

George Bernard Shaw

I am a dreamer. I believe possibility into my world. Opportunities come and go, so why not take action when it feels right. I have come to this world for a reason- we all have! While the answers may be unfolding right before our eyes as everyday occurrences, the reason to me becomes less important as I decide to live well my story. Why not? I want the experience to takes over the stage of my reality. It is the people, the actors, who share that stage with me that have made all the difference. It is the every changing twists and turns that have me stop to catch my breath, only to return for more.  My world vision is ever expanding, my eyes are open to see, my ears to hear, my heart to feel, yet I experience a sense of calm as balance takes over.

This last month truly was a transformation of my dreams into my reality. April showers of love nurtured the seeds that were planted so long ago.  Traveling to different places in search of magic, only to realize it is with me wherever I go. The journey has taken on new heights of wonder and it is all because of who I share it with at any given point in time. After I ventured off to Los Angeles on a whim, I reconciled this place in my life with my younger self. I am no longer yearning to go back in time to recapture what was. I am grateful to be where I am, right now for all that I have learned and ever so much more excited for where I am going.  As I watched my own daughter dance with abandon with a confidence that I never mastered so young, I know that I am teaching this beautiful spirit well.  As I see the compassionate young boy growing right before my eyes into a man, I feel compelled to be present for him in a way that will help him through the awkward years.  As I feel grateful for the partner that I chose who now joins me as we both create a beautiful environment for our dreams to see the light, I know the walls of resentment can no longer hold firm.  As I engage in an incredible creative debut of something that means the world to me- art coming alive-music reaching souls-senses heightened by scents- I feel a part of a creative something so much bigger than myself. As I celebrate with my sisters the legacy of my mother, as I face the fears of life surrounded by love with my father, as I turn towards my new companions with a joy that can only come from awareness of this crazy awesome life,  every why? turns into a why not?

I see things that others do not see. I am a dreamer. Perhaps you do too! I believe possibility into my world. Perhaps you should as well. I may not know how the play will end, but I do know that as long as there is breath in my lungs and blood flowing through my veins, I welcome the opportunity to bring my magic into everything I do- first believing in the why nots that will surely take me through! And as May starts, awakening creativity certainly is an incredible way to go for it- with all of nature conspiring as a backdrop in bloom, I say to the world once again thank you for this opportunity to discover and “Why not?” What do I have to lose- no regrets!!

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