After two long weeks of mercury in retrograde, I am feeling my swagger once again. (Sometimes it is just easier to share some responsibility with something external, something big like planetary alignment for the recent chaos in my life!)
Yesterday marked the pinnacle of ego induced stress that has held me captive like a rope that only gets tighter as I try to pull away. Yesterday I found myself on my knees begging the universal divine to intervene so that I could get out of my own way once again. Yesterday I finally listened as my angels offered a trilogy of sage advice: Miracles are already here right before our eyes, it’s time to be open to receive and stop being afraid; Faith is the gift life offers as long as we connect with the inner knowing that the angels have planned something wonderful and better than anything that we can plan for ourselves; and Dreams are still vibrant as long as we lose the ego and start paying attention to the flow of the river, “Thy will not mine” coupled with a lot of “let that sh!t go!”
On my mission, my journey, the fire within can sometimes get out of control if not released in a healthy way. And, that fire that can catapult my life to great heights usually gets out of control when I get caught up in competition not cocreation. So as I realign with these new tools that are readily available to us all, Miracles, Faith and Dreams, I get to reignite a sense of wonder on my creative adventure that is sure to bring a sense of calm, peace, and love. And in that space, hope returns as I start to shrink the censor. The planets continue to move through the galaxy and I continue to move through my days. Some days moving effortlessly and gaining full strides and some days paddling with all my might to keep afloat. I am still in it and I am alive and feeling bombastic, confident as I exclaim to the universe and my ego, “No more Mr. Nice Guy- I am coming for ya!”