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MGTB insight: Never give up!

“Your biggest break can come from never quitting. Being at the right place at the right time can only happen when you keep moving toward the next opportunity.”

Arthur Pine

You are a work in progress. As long as you live with intention, you move towards achieving your goals on a daily basis whether you know it or not. The universe is presenting opportunities all the time for improvement and advancement. With awareness and patience, each next opportunity is exactly what you need to realize your fabulous life. Each challenging event offers the chance to develop a skill that will help you. Each connection you make along the way provides a network of support to assist you. And each pearl of wisdom gathered is a clue that opens doors to the next mountain to climb. It is when the momentum of realizing your dream is at a standstill that you must make the decision to never give up, never ever give up! It is when you feel like nothing is going right that quitting cannot be an option. Keep the faith, hold on tight, and remind yourself that much is happening behind the scenes to carry you on. There are messages being delivered on a daily basis that will lead you to the right place and time. By making small, inspired changes and keeping your worries at bay, you can believe that your biggest break is just over the hill and each step forward presents the next opportunity to get a better view as you climb. A breathtaking view that will leave you grateful for never giving up, never ever giving up!

Magical Key to Bliss: Make a small change today to advance your dreams.


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