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MGTB insight: Don’t forget to breathe

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

Stephen Covey

Today make the conscious decision to stop and take a deep breath many times. Whenever life feels overwhelming, stop and breath. When you are faced with a big problem that requires an innovative solution, stop and breath. Or when you just start to feel anxious and out of sorts, the best thing that you can do is to stop, pause and remember to breath. Not the kind of breath that is short and shallow. The kind of breath that fills every part of your body and soul. Take as many as you need to calm yourself. This small decision will make all the difference in the way that your day proceeds. It can clear your mind so that your focus is sharper and you are more attuned to the matter at hand. Most importantly, a deep breath can bring you to a place of peace if only for a moment. Taking deep breaths throughout the day brings you a higher level of happiness and clarity. In the deep breaths you take, you fill your cup visualizing a more vital and robust you and at the same time letting out the negative energy or hot air. The tension that is present in any challenging circumstance can be minimized by making this wonderful choice to stop, breath and let go. It seems like a silly reminder, but when you decide to take deep breaths daily and often, your circumstances change as your spirit has an even better chance to take flight. How about that for a wise choice and investment in you!

Magical Key to Bliss: Breathe in calm, breathe out chaos. Life is precious.

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