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Meg’s mantra: give love!!!!

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Meg Nocero added 9 new photos to the album: iOS Photos.

24 mins · iOS ·

Give love project and MSC Divina

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Glenda McGregor Barrios Meg Nocero…. Loved meeting my little Diva!!! She is adorable…

Meg Nocero You made her smile a lot Glenda! Thanks for making her feel so special!

Tina Jordan Ashley these are stunning pics Meg!

Eileen Hult Beautiful!

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Meg Nocero published an article on WordPress.

The Magical Guide to Bliss insight: Unlock the beauty within through love

“The present moment holds infinite riches beyond your wildest dreams but you will only enjoy them to the extent of your faith and love. The more a soul loves, the more it longs, the more it hopes, the more it finds.” Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J. (Society of Jesus) Today is a wondrous day that holds infinite riches. Are you ready to experience all it has to offer? [ 209 more words. ]

by megnocero


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My dear diva Glenda- and we shall Soar!

Owls and butterflies fly together!!! They aim high…reach their goals.. Always focus.. Here we go my dear Diva..!!! Love you lots….

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1 hr ·

Owls and butterflies fly together!!! They aim high…reach their goals.. Always focus.. Here we go my dear Diva..!!! Love you lots….

— with Meg Nocero.

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Meg Nocero This is fabulous !!!!!

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Meg’s mantra : give love!!!! That’s it – simple- then for sure something wonderful is about to happen!!!Happy give love day!!

To all my friends and family on this day of love:

Life has shown me many things – I have felt tremendous joy and absolute devastation. I have been blown away by the miraculous and have questioned the reason behind it all. I have met many angels through hard times and have gotten in touch with my own divine spirit as I connect to others as well. The only thing that has made sense throughout this all is that I am here on this Earth at this time in this body to experience love in its many shape and forms. Through actions and intentions. LOVE! So simple- and when I lose my way I always come back to center where love resides in every beating heart! So in this Valentine’s Day – let us all celebrate love regardless of whether we have a particular someone to share with – because the reality is when we share it with every person animal place or thing we come into contact with, our hearts expand a little bit more – thus making the journey easier and lifting each other up- with gratitude I thank God for this! Together we rise! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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