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“MEG”net Affirmation: Change is good, Transformation Even Better!

What is a “MEG”net Affirmation?

A magical “MEG”net affirmation is an uplifting statement that helps you to create a habit that manifests and attracts more positivity into your life. In simplest terms, a magnet is an object that produces a magnetic field that pulls objects to it. Like a magnet, a “MEG”net in simplest terms is a tool that you can use to level up your own extraordinary power within to attract more magnificence. Using my name “MEG” added to the net, I add my personal touch to help open up your net to capture all the good coming your way and shift to a higher vibration every day. These affirmations can help you to come alive to the beauty of your dreams that will lead to bliss.

“MEG”net Affirmation: Change is good, transformation even better.

Day transforms to night, night to day. The cycle of life continues bringing with it experiences that change us. Sometimes joyful, sometimes painful- but we are changed nonetheless. A process of maturation that none of us will escape, nor should we. Waking up to a new strength – waking up once again to the beauty of a transformative life. One that has us really appreciating being alive, opening our hearts up to a world of good we would never have experienced before. Trust the process, don’t quit– there are beautiful surprises that await. Like a butterfly born anew, transformation can be so great.

“MEG”net Affirmation Cards & Sparkle & Shine

Like a caterpillar changes in the cocoon, you can emerge renewed into a spiritual freedom that marks a new beginning.  Embracing your own beauty reaching new heights, time to be just like the butterfly.

“MEG”net Affirmations and cards will accompany my soon to be released book, Sparkle & Shine, 108 M.A.N.T.R.A.s to Brighten your Day and Lighten Your Way.

For more inspiration, Click here. 


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