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Another Day of Love: When We Start With Love, Something wonderful just might be happening here!

I organize a lot of events and celebrations. I go to a lot of events and celebrations. I have always believed that whoever is meant to be there will be there. So by letting go of what I consider to be a success, I free myself up to set my intentions and trust the universe to do its thing, conspire in favor of my highest good!

Last night I went to an event called Made 2 Love hosted by a beautiful woman whose mission it is to show love to young girls and help them to love themselves as they navigate this sometimes crazy world. Most of them, even as young as 8 or 9, come to see and know the world through not so ideal situations, in fact downright shocking. They deal with issues around abandonment, suicide, worthlessness and the like. So in that vein, the Made 2 Love mission becomes even most important as its founder and volunteers set out to shine a light on how special these girls are and how much this world needs them and their talents. My intention going there was to support my friend and experience the connections as they unfold knowing that trusting was where I was.

On this Valentine’s Day, in honor of the inspiration of last night and those who showed up on my path, I set out to shine a light starting from a place of love, for to teach love, we must become love. This is not always an easy task in a world where many of us measure our self worth on the daily as our perception of success has us falling short leaning more towards a failure mentality looking for validation. And to set out from a place of love, there is always a reminder that that energy can move mountains, spark a positive energetic vibration or even change a life. For sure, when I reach out and connect without need to be validated by others, this is the beginning of something wonderful happening for me and whoever else shows up there! So Shine on you batshit crazy diamonds, I love you and its time to follow your bliss!


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