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3 keys to a successful transition: Follow your calling, Get curious, and BE of service to others!

“Life is one big transition.” Will Stargell, American professional baseball player

Tales of personal transformation are the stuff of story-telling, legends, and even fairy tales. We gain inspiration from the folklore of the ugly duckling who believed in herself and became the beautiful swan; the down on her luck creative who persisted over and over again despite overwhelming odds until the big break came and success was hers; and the girl who chose to leave a life of shoulds to set out to realize her dreams and made a difference in the world.

And in reality, as someone who has transitioned from one career to the next over this past year, while at time challenging and scary, it most definitely has been worthwhile.

As the Novice in so many ways, with new information coming at me all the time, learning how to manage it all has been more than necessary as I find my way. Many speak of strategically planning out the steps to navigate this new reality, however, few choose to seek mentors who have walked the path already. Perhaps it is ego, especially after being at the top of the game for close to 20 years, but why recreate the wheel when so many others can show you.

We are always at the beginning of something new. In essence, life is just one big transition after another. If you seek a path to higher knowledge on the way to realizing that you are a beautiful swan, in service I offer three keys to help you along the way.

  1. Follow your calling. Before you begin on any new path, get in touch with what makes you come alive. Ask yourself what gets you excited. For me, getting to know new people is the cornerstone for any business. In full isolation, I spiral into loneliness, however surrounding myself with a network of movers and shakers on the way to inspiring others, this gets my juices flowing, this gets my energy up, and this gets me enthusiastic to do the work.

  2. Get curious.  This is where education and the learning process takes over. You are ready to learn new things, so why not research places to go to get the information that will catapult you easier. Read the books. Google the masters. Jump in with both feet so that you can honor and love the change by arming yourself with knowledge as to what you do and do not like.

  3. Be of service to others and you will serve yourself. I got a card that reads Give all to God and God will give all to you. It goes without saying that if you offer your gifts and talents in service to others, then you will receive the same in return. In this place, you will experience the kindness and compassion of love. It connects you to life and allows you to be a responsible steward as well.

These 3 keys may just be a start as you step on a path of your highest good. It may be a beginning of the strategic plan that you will set out once you get a feel for what gets you most excited. It may be the wheel or trifecta that will start you to build a vehicle that will take you many places.

And with that, thank you for letting me serve you in your transition and the happiest of transformations as you write your own fairy tale! Buen Camino my friends!


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