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With confidence, welcome a big embrace from the universe!

“When we are self confident, the universe opens its arms to us.” Concetta Bertoldi

I would much prefer the universe helping me than working against me.  Having the experience when I am in the dumps, the universe can feel like it is a very unsavory and very unloving place.  When I feel negative, I call into focus all that matches that low vibration. I see the unrest in the world, the chaos, the anger, the resentment, you name it.  Thoughts lend its hand to feelings and what aligns with the particular feelings that I am having on that particular day align with the experience that I am having. And, not to my surprise, the experience that I am having at that time confirms whatever it is that I am thinking at that time.  Soooooo, I can use the beauty of the law of attraction in my favor as well. That is the beauty of the universe.  When I start with thoughts of self-confidence and wonder, when I start with the idea that the universe is a magical place filled with magical people, and when I start with the idea that I am surrounded by beauty and perfection, that is going to start showing up for me as well.  I am going to get great opportunities, I am going to see miraculous things, I am going to meet amazing people, and I am going to see beautiful things and be beautiful inside and out.  And, when I start thinking in positive and optimistic terms, than it will feel like the universe is opening up its arms to me in an overwhelmingly loving embrace.  That just feels good doesn’t it?  So start affirming yourself with words that build your self confidence rather than break it down.  Just try it, start today telling yourself that “YOU ROCK” and see what the universe opens up to you! Have a beautiful day filled with joy and confidence! I know I will!

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