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Thought of the Day: Sharing the Joy!

Sharing the Joy!

Mother Theresa of Calcutta

Looking in to the eyes of a young child at play, I am returned to a time where worry was a foreign concept, where love surrounded me, and where my imagination took me on many flights of fancy.  Life was an adventure.  Life was mysterious. And better yet, life was moment by moment.  It was in those moments where I connected with my friends, I was secure in the love of my parents and I created a world that was a joyful place.  There is no reason that I cannot still experience the joy of a child as an adult.  Even when times are challenging and I am faced with unbearable experiences, if I take a step back from that reality I am able to transport myself to a place of gratitude for those things that bring me unfettered joy.  For the joy comes moment by moment.

What are your intentions today for your reality? How are you to react to life circumstances that cause you fear or worry? I say go to the place inside, grab onto a memory of a time where joy permeated every membrane of your body.  Perhaps allow yourself to smile as you visualize that same feeling taking over.  Every new experience in life can be seen as a new beginning.  Perhaps a door is closing, but rest assured one will soon open if you keep your eyes looking forward.  If you focus on the joy and blessings of the change, I guarantee joy will be yours.  Sometimes you just need a gentle push to allow yourself to release the stress and embrace a joyful life in the most simplistic way.  Enjoy life, this is not a dress rehearsal.  This is your one time around.  What will you want to make of it?  No one can take joy from you if you make the conscious decision not to let them.  It is yours, so fill your mind with the amazing possibility.  Once you decide that this is your truth, start living it authentically and before you know it you have created a net of love to catch more souls.  I became a mom 10 years ago with the blessing of the birth of my son and I get to relive the joy of my childhood as I watch him grow.  The joy reawakened makes me want to make this world a better place for him and others- for he has caught my soul.   I hope in some way I have shared the joy I have experienced with all of you!  If so, I encourage you to really believe in it and pass it on!

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