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The Magical Guide to Bliss Insight: Forgiveness Promises New Beginning!

“Forgiveness is the answer to the child’s dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is made clean again.” ~Dag Hammarskjold As you leave one year and enter another, look forward to a new start by setting forth resolutions that will catapult your hopes, dreams, and desires into reality. Perhaps you prepared during the last days the year to start fresh with a clean slate. While difficult, you have done your best to put resentments in the past. In anticipation, you may have decided to clear a path that will allow your dreams to take priority in your life. Many start the New Year with high hopes only to burn out after a couple of days. We are only six days into our journey now. Make a conscious decision each day not to quit. Accept that you will falter on your path; forgive yourself and move forward into this amazing new year of your life. Inform your resolutions with an enthusiastic belief in your potential and with compassion for yourself. Be gentle with your life; you are a child of the universal one, no matter what age. By continually seeking or granting forgiveness, you start fresh each day with a spirit of perseverance. You can and will, as you renew your spirit, move toward a place where you are whole again. Look forward to all the success awaiting you.

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