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The Alchemy of Connection

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia

I am a true believer of the alchemy of connection. When we connect with another through touch, a smile, a kind word or the smallest act of caring, there is a seemingly magical power that emerges from the profound energy that is shared.  That beautiful energy when released has the power to change form, nature, or substance that will change the world for the better one life at a time. This kind of alchemy does happen on a daily basis before our eyes. We can be a witness to one person reaching out to assist another in need and feel the goodness that there is;  we can be a witness to the beauty of two souls sharing a moment in time through the touch of a hand or a smile and be filled with gentleness;  or we can be a beneficiary of a spontaneous act of love or kindness gifted at a time when we are most desperate for it that can transform us on a cellular level.  With this in mind, it is so important to be aware of the energy that we bring to all of our connections.  My daughter is convinced that she is blessed with healing hands whose mere touch has the power to begin a process of alleviating the pain of another.  Let it be said that we all must believe that we are this kind of healer so that there can be no end to the masterpiece of life that we can create together.  We smile and paint the world with colors of joy.  We listen and help release the weight of the world off another’s shoulders. We extend ourselves in loving kindness through a phone call, an email or an “I love you” and we have just changed the trajectory of another’s journey. The magic of connections have the potential to positively heal as long as our intention is there to do so.  Keep this in mind today and believe that our connections and energy can be shared in a way that impacts this world dramatically for the good, especially if we have the knowledge that it can turn even one life around.

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