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Stop, connect, breathe, and enjoy the ride

“I believe we’re all put on this planet for a purpose, and we all have a different purpose… When you connect with that love and that compassion, that’s when everything unfolds.”

Ellen DeGeneres

We are surrounded by so many different beautiful faces.  Each time we meet each other, we get a chance to experience the magic and miracles of our connections.  When love and compassion are introduced into these encounters, the world opens up to us in an amazing way.  The journey will be kinder, the experiences will be more joyous and the gifts we receive will be more meaningful.   We are here with so many other wonderful people wandering through the hills and valleys of life.  We don’t have to go it alone.  We have each other if we are vulnerable enough to reach out and grab the hand to the left and to the right.  We need each other.  When we reach out, we stand together as beacons of light in an otherwise dark world. When we connect with love and compassion, there is an incredible power we share between us that can spread blessings of grace throughout.  We all have a purpose in this world. When we realize this and come together in love and compassion, what will unfold has the potential to explode a chain reaction that will be remarkable to witness.  So stop, connect and breathe love and compassion all around you and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

Magical Key to Bliss: Let your life unfold from a place of love and compassion!

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