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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

I know many Bloggers out there did this post but I’m so humbled by glamorpolish who took time to read my blog and nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger award. Thank you Girl!!! And please everyone check out her blog too. She is very creative in her work and has really interesting insights to share on the art of being glamorous. 🙂

The ‘rules’ are:

Thank the blogger who nominated you & link back to their site. Answer the ten questions sent to you. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. Nominate seven bloggers who you feel deserve the award.

Here are glamorpolish’s questions: 1. What are your favorite hobbies? I love to dance, write and draw.

2. How do you make yourself motivated when you are feeling low? I listen to music

3. what is your Favorite dish? I love chicken piccata

4. Jeans or skirts! For sure, skirts!!

5. Blush or Bronzer? Blush

6. The singer whom you just love to listen all the time. Coldplay

7. sunrise or sunset. sunset

8. Who is your Favourite superhero. Any woman who shows up everyday!

9. What is your nickname? Meg

10. What is your favourite genre in movies? comedy

My questions are:

1. What do you feel is your life purpose?

2. What was one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to you?

3. What dreams to you have?

4. What dreams have already come true?

5.  What is your favorite movie?

6. Why is that your favorite movie?

7. What kind of legacy do you want to leave this world?

8. How will you make a difference?

9. What has been your greatest achievement so far?

10. How do you bring love to this world?

And Now My Nominations 🙂 

This was my first nomination and I just love how these bloggers keep up their good work. I have enjoyed blogging with you all and hope that you all keep up the amazing work!

If you want to do this blog post, please do it!!!

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