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Service to humanity as the ultimate goal.

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.

~Leo Tolstoy, Russian novelist and author of War and Peace

What does it mean to be humane? Is it a life marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for all creatures? Is it an awareness of the essence of the other? Is it the embodiment of respect and love for our neighbors? The answer to these questions is a clear and resounding yes. Where the goal in life is to act humane, the path to accomplishing it is through service. We are here to serve with love, with joy, and with a humane consciousness that will give rise to peace in a world that is affected by turmoil and strife. When we start to embrace acts of service, our selflessness will have a great impact on how we experience our world. We are one family, one tribe, one group of merry women and men. We are here to care for one another and serve this planet well until our last breath. Service gives our lives meaning, and there are so many ways to perform. When we share our life struggles with another who is hurting, we are in service from a place of love and compassion. When we use our talents and our genius to heal society, we are in service from a place of magic and miracles. When we extend ourselves and go outside our comfort zone to connect to another who is alone or lost, we are in service from a place of unity. When we remember that our lives have true meaning when we serve humanity, we start to truly feel alive and on purpose all at the same time.

Magical Key to Bliss: Serve someone from a place of love today!

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