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See something, say something!

“Mentoring begins when your imagination can fall in love with the fantasy of another.” James Hillman There are so many doors to discover a soul, which one will you open today. Sometimes when you allow another person to see inside you as you open the door to your heart,  they are able to help you discover something greater about yourself. When you take the risk to be vulnerable, then a mentor may be introduced to help you become more of who you are meant to be.  When you allow intimacy by opening up to the possibility that the universe presents to you, then a mentor can help you truly delve into what can be possible for you.   It is often said that when the student is ready,  the teacher will appear.  If you are paying attention to your life, are consciously aware of what is going on around, and are actively in the present moment, you will be able to recognize the teacher, act and grab on to the lessons that he/she has prepared just for you.  And, when you are courageous, trust and open yourself to the connection as it presents itself, then that teacher will guide you and be an incredible mentor for you as you fulfill your purpose.  The faith that you have in yourself will open up the channels that will allow you to move forward.  And, a mentor whose imagination will fall in love with your dreams and help you tap into your creative side to bring them to light, will be the gift you are given because you opened a door to your soul with faith.  There is no greater gift to another person than to say to them “I believe in you”, “I see your talents” and “I will support and guide you.”  When you are able to say or hear this in the role of the teacher or the student, you will take the risk to step out of your comfort zone,  act when you see something in another person, and use your words as a catalyst to expand upon the beauty that you see.  There are so many doors to discover a soul, by sharing your imagination and creative gifts with the world, there is no telling how many individuals you will free in the process. So take the chance today, open the doors to the light within and if you see that same brilliant beam in another say something and the world will be blessed for it! Take the risk and think about which door  you will open today to start the process! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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