Reinventing Yourself
“We possess such immense resources of power that pessimism is a laughable absurdity.” Colin Wilson
You can really reinvent yourself. You did as a child and you can do it again now. We all do not have frozen personalities. The reality is we have the power to be whoever we want to be or create the person that we would like to be. No one is keeping us from this except our own inferior beliefs about ourselves. You can break out of this pessimistic habitual thinking that keeps you stuck. You can do or be whomever you want, just follow your heart and do all that you do with passion. There is so much to all of us than meets the eye. We are pure potential and let no one tell you otherwise. Don’t give your power away relying on the good opinion of other people. No one knows you better than yourself and no one knows what you are truly capable of- perhaps you don’t even know what you are capable of. One thing is true, when we believe in ourselves, clarify our direction, take action and infuse our dreams with joy, passion and love- there are truly no limits to how high we soar in life! Be the owner of your journey.