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Only together will we get through the storms of life.

We are all rowing the same boat, and there are ominous storms on the horizon…We need to have the courage to do the right thing. We need to love and respect one another, to see and appreciate the innate beauty and dignity of everyone, because we are all souls, all of the same substance.

~Brian Weiss, MD, American Psychiatrist, Hypnotherapist and Author

We must shift our belief from an us-versus-them mentality to one of cooperation. We must embrace that we are all in this together. If we do not, we will not find the strength to get through the storms in life. We need to make choices that empower us to make a difference. We need to work together, renouncing all that is bad in favor of the good. If we shift our focus to help solve the problems in this world, then we have a better chance for good will prevail. And, when it does, we will look back on the path that we courageously took together and stand proud that we played a positive part in making the world a more magical place to live. If we keep our integrity intact and focus on what is wonderful about this world, we can build on a strong foundation and be part of what is right. Let us work together and keep moving forward; let us row this boat of life toward a more amazing tomorrow. It is only together that we will be triumphant as we navigate through or even past the storms that we may face in this life!

Magical Key to Bliss: Find ways to work together with others to make this world a better place!

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