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November is almost here! And so is my Magical Guide to Bliss Gratitude Raffle

It is time to say “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” November is the month in which you make a habit of using these simple and powerful words and use them well. For with The Magical Guide to Bliss, November is the month you discover the transformational energy of amazing gratitude. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, the grand celebration of gratefulness begins. Each day this month, you have an opportunity to choose to have a new attitude of gratitude for whatever comes your way. This attitude of gratitude will be your suit of armor that has the potential to sustain you when life throws its punches. It will also be your inspiration as you continue to spread your wings and get ready to soar.

When you appreciate all that you have accomplished thus far through the lessons of love, wisdom, transformation, creativity, joy, freedom, friendship, inspiration, and service, you know that life is full of wonderful surprises and blessings. As you welcome new opportunities and continue on the road to bliss, a great way to avoid being affected by the negativity of naysayers and skeptics is to protect yourself with this incredible tool, moving forward in an uplifting and positive way. So start today, and challenge yourself to name at least one person, place, or thing that you are thankful for each day this month. Ask yourself, “Attitude of gratitude, what am I grateful for?” Then confidently declare to the universe, “I am grateful for ______.” Let thanks be your prayer, and the universe will be sure to respond in kind.

ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE, WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR? So to be a part of the raffle, starting November 1-November 25, 2015 send me 5 things that you are grateful for to be entered. I will pick 5 winners randomly on Thanksgiving and contact you from all the entrees to win a Magical Guide to Bliss of your own! Make sure you ‪#‎themagicalguidetobliss‬ so I can be sure to get your entry. ENTRIES ARE ONE PER DAY, EACH DAY OF THE MONTH UNTIL NOVEMBER 25 AT MIDNITE.

And if you already purchased MGTB and feeling the bliss, I would love and be grateful for your feedback on at my book link. And just for fun, let’s see how grateful we all can be-without anything else this shift in perspective will make a difference in the world. ‪#‎Theguide‬ to ‪#‎magical‬ ‪#‎bliss‬ #themagicalguidetobliss

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