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My Year of Magical Thinking: Magical Me!

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.”

John Quincy Adams

I have struggled in life, I guess because I chose to struggle. “Magical Me”lives a different kind of Earthly existence. She chooses to dream. She chooses to believe in the unseen. And she chooses a faith that the wonder is already on its way. As I let go of what was, and welcome what is I get to choose what brings more enlightenment and enjoyment to the journey.  I am making friends with “Magical Me” and know she will teach me a thing or two about living a life where my focus shift from fear of failure to no regrets because I keep persevering.  Where she teaches me that creativity and determination is the “stuff” that life is made of.  Where she encourages me to keep moving forward, keep welcoming the good and keep gratitude in my heart for all my blessings.

I just got back from a vacation cruise.  While there were destinations to discover, it really was not about where we were going-rather all about sailing on the ocean blue taking in the sea air, the warm sun, and good- no amazing company.  Leaving the world of responsibilities behind only to embrace what was right before us in our little microcosm of the universe.  Watching a sunset is even more beautiful when it falls agains the backdrop of the deep blue sea as seagulls follow waves.

And on our journey, I chose to play a game called “Bingo”.  Bingo Betty was her name- and the numbers and letters would roll out every 10 seconds to fill your game board, whether it was digital, blue, green, orange or yellow.  The chance to scream out the magical word BINGO was enough to keep me coming back for more, even as I kept witnessing someone else’s victory over and over again.  Yet, patience would rule the day- on a cruise that lasted a mere five days, there were 6 opportunities to bask in the glory of” bingo going once, bingo going twice, where is the bingo-out of here!!!!”

I even convinced others to join the fun- if I was going to rise, it is much better when we are together.  On our last day, we sat in the booth after losing the morning chance-wanting to quit-but how could we -there was just one more to go.  And we were having fun, my best friend, her daughter and I.  We were laughing – laughing and laughing at how silly it all was. Hearing the same joke, the crew kept us entertained as we waited over and over again to see who would be the victor.  Just a game of chance or was it- not knowing enough to be much more than that.  And as the Skipper Steve, the Oprah of the Wonder, stood up there handing out the golden prize to other contestants, the “Superstar Bling team” as we called ourselves had one more card to go.  And now I decide to live like “Magical Me”- you gotta ask – you gotta believe and baby- get ready to receive!!! It was the blackout game- fill the whole card and win the snowball jackpot of the week.  No idea what that would be, just knew in my heart it has gotta to be us three!  36 spaces to fill and we were down to one more number- there were others in the room standing with us–just one more  O65, O65, O65. You could feel the tension in the room—hearts were pounding- it was a full house- not a seat to spare.  It had come to this. Our time had to be now, but it was so much fun this would just be the icing on the cake- an incredible story to tell.  Three young women acting like little old ladies who filled there days with possibility and hope for something great to happen.

“Shake it up Betty” the crowd was going wild- and then the moment came, silence came over the audience. Would this be our time? Would it? I just listened —Skipper Steve screams out “O65!!!”  OMG- O65 -that was our card!!!  We jumped up and it was our moment to scream out all together BIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!  Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo Bingo!!!!! Laughing at this point – as they verified our win- and yes we won Bingo–

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect when coupled by possibilities that exist in the world! Difficulties will disappear and obstacles will vanish- then build on your momentum because you will become a believer and align with an amazing energy! And yes, maybe even win-

Yes, this is a part of the game of life – whether it is BINGO or call it anything else you want, that we all choose to play each and every day. Lots of chances to win, lots of opportunities to succeed, but you have to be in it to win it. And you can’t give up, because if you do you will never know if they will call your magical number.  And if you are in it, get to know your own “Magical You!” It will make it all the more fun in the end-cause when people look at you with such surprise, you can just say- if I stick to it long enough, then I will be victorious.  And made even better by those that you meet along the way.  Will today be the day you get to call out BINGO too?  Magical Me says why not!?!?

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