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Make them laugh, make them laugh, make them laugh!

A sense of humor…is needed armor. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.

~Hugh Sidey, American journalist

Without love, life would be gloomy. Without laughter, it would be unbearable. Life can get too serious too often. To lighten the load on your shoulders, there is nothing better than a good laugh. If you learn to laugh at yourself and with others, you gain a sense of humor that can fight off the doldrums. Try it, and see for yourself. When you feel the weight of the world, call a friend who has the skill of an amateur comedian to help you see your predicament in a humorous light. When you cannot take the intensity of current events, go see a comedy that has you on the ground in stitches and forgetting what had you upset in the first place. When you are facing challenges, find some humor to resurrect innovation in any situation.

Laughter and a sense of humor will add years to your life, joy to your days, and love to your heart. Even in your darkest moments, if you surround yourself with the sunshine that radiates from laughter, you can lift anyone up from what seems to be an abyss. Laughter is contagious. And as long as you hold on to others who have joy in the heart and laughter on the lips, you will eventually become one of those people. With more laughter in the here and now, what a wonderful world this could be!

Magical Key to Bliss: Laugh as much as you can because laughter is the best medicine! #The Guide to #Magical #Bliss


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