I am an artist at work. The world is my canvas. I look, pay attention and and experience ‘la bella vita’ (the beautiful life) because that is my focus. I look for the happy places and commit those details to memory to use in my grand masterpiece. I rely on these moments especially when I feel tired, weary and emotionally distraught for they give me the sustenance and hope to continue. My time spent with my teacher, my guide, is what I need to make the choices as I refocus my life. Looking for my mentor who surely appears in nature and in others. Looking for the love promised. Looking for the energy, power and strength that returns to me once I stop running from what I fear most. A mini soul retreat is necessary to remind myself that angels surround me and dreams do come true. My life is a living prayer for which I must be grateful. For magic and miracles are there for the experiencing and I am the great magician through which they will come to light. Bright joyful colors invade my spirit and I am renewed by the beautiful light that I seek. For we all are artists at work on our great masterpiece. Let it be a glorious one!
