“…there are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths.” ― Mark Nepo Our future is calling to us, but many of us are too weighed down with the burdens of the past to hear the call or see the signs. We may be too comfortable with the known and too afraid of the unknown. However, we are all meant to move forward on this journey in life. To do so, it is time to let go of the “stuff” that leaves us trapped in things that no longer serve us. It is time to be grateful for all of the lessons that have taught us so much. It is time to make a commitment with enthusiasm for all that awaits us when we decide to open our hearts and minds to the new paths that are there to be discovered. While we may be yearning for a shift in our life, it is not until we are willing to make the changes necessary to make the shift happen. Perhaps we don’t give ourselves enough credit and fear that if we trust our internal guide, we will make some wrong turns along the way. But the reality is, there are no wrong turns. When we truly let go of the past, we open up to the potential of allowing for the sunrise of an amazing future filled with lots of connections that will fully help us to realize our dreams. We can take the safe approach that is laden with fear, or we can take the empowered approach that allows for incredible possibility. It is a choice we all must ultimately make on our own. Know that there awaits new, amazing experiences right around the corner. If we do not risk, we will never know that they exist. However, when we do risk, drop the baggage of the past and embrace the wings of our future, we will find unexpected paths that will lead us exactly where we are meant to travel. And, there we will open our eyes to new opportunities that we free our souls to march happily towards a future paved with the realization of our dreams! And never stop believing in a future filled with the wonderful magic of your dreams!
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