“When you stumble, make it part of the dance!”
Suzy Toronto
As you embrace your season of creativity and start to dance again, focus your attention on your accomplishments! When you focus your attention on all of your achievements, you bring an incredibly uplifting energy to what lies ahead. That magical and miraculous strength that you have developed over time has allowed you to build a solid foundation to grow even more. The belief in yourself that arises from standing steadfast and true to who you are is a gift that is gained as your confidence blossoms. And instead of crumbling under what you perceive to be the weight of the world, you rejoice as you stand strong and let the weight fall from your shoulders to persevere again. There are two sides to every coin. With sadness, there comes much happiness from the outreach of a warm embrace when you least expected it. With financial hardships, there comes a sense of abundance through the love and support you receive along the way. With sickness, there comes a sense of appreciation for the health and harmony that you do experience and otherwise take for granted. When you stumble, adding love, laughter, fun, joy and happiness, it can be a part of your dance. When you keep moving forward, it is not a cause for alarm because it becomes a part of the celebration that you are alive in this moment. And as long as you make the decision not to quit, that celebration can be yours every day you open our eyes to the potential that lies ahead.
Magical Key to Bliss: Choose to experience days filled with love, light and happiness and celebrate!
