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I meet cynicism and divisiveness with love.

What is a “MEG”net Affirmation?

A magical “MEG”net affirmation is an uplifting statement that helps you to create a habit that manifests and attracts more positivity into your life. In simplest terms, a magnet is an object that produces a magnetic field that pulls objects to it. Like a magnet, a “MEG”net in simplest terms is a tool that you can use to level up your own extraordinary power within to attract more magnificence. Using my name “MEG” added to the net, I add my personal touch to help open up your net to capture all the good coming your way and shift to a higher vibration every day. These affirmations can help you to come alive to the beauty of your dreams that will lead to bliss.

“MEG”net Affirmation:

I meet cynicism and divisiveness with love.

You may be an incredibly sensitive person. You may be deeply affected by what is going on all around you. When there seems to be a lot of anger, pain, sadness, suffering and most of all fear being passed around like a prize during challenging times, you may even want to hide. What to do when supposed leaders and individuals who stand before you offer their own brand of immorality that robs humans of their dignity? How do the defenders of the mystical and magical fight back against cynicism and divisiveness when it threatens to rule the day? Of course, you speak up for love. It’s love, love, and more love! You connect with love. You shout out with love. And, you spread the love. That is the kind of magical thinking that will break through the fear and open up humanity to something better that you know is possible.

“MEG”net Affirmation Cards & Sparkle & Shine

Like a caterpillar changes in the cocoon, you can emerge renewed into a spiritual freedom that marks a new beginning.  Embracing your own beauty reaching new heights, time to be just like the butterfly.

“MEG”net Affirmations and cards available, Sparkle & Shine, 108 M.A.N.T.R.A.s to Brighten your Day and Lighten Your Way.

Go to amazon and get your copy today!

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