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Greatness through service.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

~Mahatma Ghandi, Indian leader and peace activist

Service is important to the world as a whole. Many people think service is defined in one way only, but that is not the case. You are blessed with many talents that run the gamut, from the ability to speak well in front of others to the ability to write well, to be compassionate, and to give your time to a worthy cause. No one talent is any more profound or powerful than another. It does not matter where you serve using these talents, be it at work, in your spiritual community, or at the bus stop—it only matters that you do serve in both big and small ways. You can serve another by sharing a smile, lending an ear, or organizing an event to raise money or awareness. If you share the gifts you were blessed with, you not only do a profound service for others, but you also are serving yourself because that is where you find your own greatness. Share your life or experiences with another through service, and see the good feelings multiply. Especially when you feel lost, if you serve others, you find the reason you are here in the first place!

Magical Key to Bliss: Be of great service today!


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