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Feel more alive, BE grateful for it all!

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” ― Thornton Wilder How alive we may feel goes hand in hand with the gratitude in our hearts.  When we walk through our days going through the motions of life, don’t forget to fully receive all of your blessings by acknowledging them and saying quietly or out loud THANK YOU!  This can happen in the quiet place of your own heart or this can be an outward expression to another.  But the point remains, when we begin to be aware of our surroundings and the gifts at hand, the appreciation that we may have for what is in front of us is overwhelming.  And, recognition of that appreciation for what you have and sharing it with others is the spark that ignites the flame of love.  And as Voltaire once said, “Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”  Imagine that.  When we take the time to truly appreciate our surroundings, the people, our friends, our coworkers, our teachers, our musicians, our artists, our great thinkers, and our great doers of our day, then we can make their gifts our own.  What an amazing benefit from having an attitude of gratitude! The passion we experience from a masterpiece of art, the  wonderful arias that bring tears to our eyes, or the enlightening conversations that open your mind to something you never understood before.  Our lives are profoundly impacted for the better by the excellence in others.  That is the beauty when we connect and when we take those moments to become conscious of all of our communal treasures.  And, all it took was allowing the consciousness of the present moments to wash over us so that we can truly see what is in us or in front of us.  Joy comes when we are truly grateful.  And, what better way to feel alive then to shout out to others a resounding “Thank you” for letting us unite and be a part of the whole process of EXTRAORDINARY that is brought on from them and with them!    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you all for allowing me to witness and be a part of your excellence.  For me, this joyful experience in the connections makes life that more worth living, and what a magical experience it is as long as we all continue to share the music that is in each one of us!   

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