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Expect miracles!

“I am realistic – I expect miracles.”Wayne DyerAuthor and Speaker

The experience of life is all about perspective. And a lot of that perspective comes from experience, what you learn along the way.  When I was a child, I thought like a child with all the wonder and possibility that comes with it.  As an adult, having experienced loss and disappointment, I may become cynical to the magic and miracles of life.  So, therein lies the challenge as I face events in my life that may be described as negative or “bad”.  It is easy to see the world as miraculous when you are feeling good and wonderful things are happening for you.  The challenge lies in the opportunity that is presented when you feel like a dark cloud is hanging overhead.  It is then that I would encourage you to become a child again and alight with your imagination that magic and miracles do exist.  Even if your childhood was difficult, parent that child with the belief that insurmountable odds can be overcome if you shift your perspective on the world as a whole.  There is an energetic buzz that occurs when I see other people as messengers of love and learning opportunities.  There is a beautiful kindness experienced when I get into a place where I am kind and forgive myself for behavior that is unworthy of me. When I really make a concerted effort to be impeccable with my words and loving in my actions, therein lies the miracles of life.  After my own personal struggle this past year dealing with grief from a significant loss, I have come to realize that even in the pain, I was blessed with many miracles.  As I look back in hindsight, it is clear that amazing people whom I knew and did not even know before supported me and helped me stand when I could not on my own.  And when I hit rock bottom, I made a choice to help myself.  In that choice, I found an inner strength that I had not known before this experience.  So, now, having had the life changing experience, I know more than ever that miracles do happen and take that empowering perspective as I sit in wonder of the possibilities of life that will unfold before me.  And in reality, when given the choice, I would rather expect miracles any day over the alternative- it makes life that more exciting as if I have been given a gift and it is just waiting to be opened.

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