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Blessed by the miracles in each moment!

“Focus on positive things, then positive things will be attracted into your life- Breathe positive, think positive, be positive!” Anonymous How wonderful it is to be a believer in the power of positive thinking. How empowering it is to experience the energy behind this approach to life.  However, just by practicing a positive mindset does not mean that we are shielded from the trials and tribulations in life. It just means that with this mindset, we can establish habits that make us mentally stronger for those hard times when they come.  Once upon a time, we were all little children who innocently wanted to believe that as long as we set out to do good in the world only good would come our way.  The problem with this approach is that as children we were not prepared for the disappointment when life dealt difficult blows that challenged this paradigm.  As we matured and desired to gain a better understanding or our world, we were faced with the choice to see the world in one of two ways best stated by Einstein,  “One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” And if we choose to see everything as a miracle, this allows each of us to find the good in the challenge so that we all can learn, grow and open our minds to the opportunity that is always there. To be positive does not mean that our lives will never experience hardship, it just means that in the hardship as long as we persevere we will find the beauty along the way and there we can all discover our miracles.  For we live in a world where we cannot expect to escape the realities of the human experience, nor would we want to.  That would mean missing out on the moments of joy and happiness that can come from times of pain and suffering.  When we take a positive approach, instead of feeling broken and destroyed when we hit the proverbial bottom, we can find the opportunity to be broken open, like a rosebud feeling the pain as it is ready to burst open with all of its beauty.  To think positive, we can buy into the belief that this universe is conspiring in our favor to continue to encourage the greatness in each of us.  When we are empowered this way, then we are sure to attract  people who believe the same.  In the good times and bad, it seems like good advice to just be and breath positive, think positive and be positive! There we can all be blessed with the miracle of each moment no matter what it is.

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