I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.
Look around. Take it all in. Instead of feeling separate from your surroundings, feel connected. There are the trees that provide a canopy of shade for you. There is the sun that provides nourishment with vitamin D for you. There is the breeze that offers you a simple caress. There is the water that hydrates you inside and out. Then there are the people who cross your path every day. These individuals are seemingly strangers at first, however walls are broken down with a shared smile. They share beautiful energy by virtue of kind and gentle words. Acknowledged that you are seen, a friend’s embrace offers support when you need it most. Their names are written on your heart that will forever stay. Dance, dream, and simply rejoice in the magnificence that you get the opportunity to experience. Hold out your hands, and in gratitude, grab onto whatever positive guide comes along today. For your courage to move forward is rewarded. Imprinted on your soul is the understanding that you don’t have to go this life alone. That understanding offers you the strength to transform into a “Michelangelo-esque” masterpiece. An amazing creation for all to see!
Magical Key to Bliss: Write your name on someone’s life today!
