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An Excerpt from The Sunrise of My Soul’s Bliss- Epilogue- – Acceptance

The Sunrise of My Soul’s Bliss- Epilogue- – Acceptance

The year after my mother died I participated in a mentoring group that was extremely important for my spiritual growth and healing. If you are going through a rough time, I encourage you to find a place where you are supported and your soul can heal. I completed many exercises and meditations to help me to identify my purpose and fulfill my dreams. The wisdom and maturity that I gained from this program was invaluable. As our mentoring sessions came to a close, I was left with a lot of insight and a lot of new friends who assisted me and continue to co-create with me on this journey. After the last meeting, my mentor sent me a final e-mail that summed up the growth that I have achieved over our time together. As it was incredible empowering for me and sums up where I stand today, I want to share it with you. It read as follows: Meg,

You have such an incredible foundation of tools, of growth, of experiences, of knowledge and wisdom to face any challenge, to transform any event, and to discover, see, and be the magic in your life. You are the magician. You know that now. Please know that I believe in you and know you are so full of light and capable of amazing things.

This is in no way the end, it is simply a new beginning. A new beginning in so many ways. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. You are certainly not the person you were 12 months ago. And, in fact, you are not the person you were a week ago. You have the ability to transform your life instantly if you choose, and you will continue to transform in grand ways!

It has been such a pleasure to be a part of your journey with you. And because you are a part of the Awakening Program, our journey together will continue. Continue to reach for the highest level of what you want in your life and don’t settle for anything less. You don’t have to settle – as settling is not what the universe intends for you.

Remember that fear only exists in your head. It is not real. It may feel real, but it is only an illusion. You have overcome so much of it – continue letting go of it. Jump from that cliff and know that you can fly. You have beautiful wings. Spread them wide and full and soar – anywhere you choose.

You have so many gifts that you are just now acknowledging in ways that will assist you in finding fulfillment in your life. Don’t stop asking for that fulfillment. That is part of your purpose here. Finding it and teaching it – but part of you already knows that. Tap into that part of you that knows – the innocence, the wonderment, the all knowing that exists deep inside of you. Allow your children to be your example of this and to be your guide back into playing and being child-like.

You are so blessed and full of light. Know that. Allow yourself to be that. We wouldn’t tell you that if it was not the truth.

It is time now for you to fly. You are no longer in the cage, but you do have imaginary shackles on your ankles. You can remove them anytime you choose.

Much love and light and blessings along your path.


I used to live in closets in my mind. When my mom died, I returned to the closet for safety. Now, that I look back to that time when I was in my closet, not wanting to come out, crying because I did not want to face life without my mother, I cannot believe that was me. I have moments when the tinnitus is bad, but I do not worry for I know that it will pass as long as I calm myself, get rest, and move back to my center. I have moments where I start to feel the anxiety build inside me as fear starts to bear its ugly head, but I remind myself that it is all just an ugly illusion that cannot take my hard earned serenity from me as long as I don’t let it. I have moments of doubt and negativity that threaten to derail my positive progress, but I stand firm that this too shall pass and with a hearty resolve grab onto what I can to shift back in the right direction. I now return to that same closet, this time however, in a happier place, not to escape life but to get silent so that I can listen to my inner guide. My inner guide tells me I am special, My inner guide tells me I am unique and have something wonderful to offer this world. My life continues to move forward against the backdrop of a green screen. It does not matter what the background looks like, as long as I can be myself and march to the beat of my own drum, I am going to be ok no matter what image of life pops up behind me. So, I leave you all with the same message. You are all very gifted and unique individuals. You have the ability to transform yourselves in anyway that you choose. You have the ability to touch other lives as you embrace whatever it is that you came to this world to accomplish. As you do, remember to look within to find your beauty and your worth, do not seek the good opinion of others. When you look within, you will find that you are love, joy, and hope. And once you realize this, your life will be a great service to others based upon gratitude and faith. And, I can assure you that I will be one of your biggest fans and cheerleaders as you embark on a new journey in your life making this world a better place for having known you. My wish for you is that on your own hero’s journey you realize that you are an unlimited being. My wish for you is that you discover your purpose in this life. My wish for you is that you create a mission filled with joy, love, freedom, happiness and laughter. I leave you with one final quote from Mark Twain that sets out my truth, “the two most important days in your life are the day you were born . . . and the day you find out why.” May each day in between and thereafter be filled with inspiration towards the WHY and when you discover it, may you also open another person’s eyes on their journey as well. And there, with a knowing that you are made up of magic and miracles, you will begin to experience the sunrise of your own bliss. Mary Jo Nocero , my mother, the mystical saint. Where mysticism is the pursuit of communion with divinity or the conscious awareness of a God through direct experience, my mother was a modern day practicing mystic. Where sainthood has been granted to those individuals who live a life of virtue and whose actions have been recognized for having an exceptional degree of sanctity, while she walked this earth, when you were in her presence, you could imagine that you were in the presence of a living saint. God creates and releases many messengers who come to Earth to guide all of us on the path of love. I truly believe that Mary Jo was one of those very special messengers who had the gift of divine light as she shone upon the many individuals who were fortunate to cross her path. While regarded by most as a great teacher of spiritual wisdom and one who challenged those around her to question the foundation of their journey of faith in this life, Mary Jo was above all a great student of life. She had an intense need for enlightenment through reading the great works of literature and studying the actions of the great spiritual leaders of the past and present time. She had an avid desire to nurture her relationship with Jesus Christ and introduce him and his beautiful message to others so that many would know that we were not alone in this present experience. She became an exemplary model for those that wanted to imitate a life guided by Christ, she was an extraordinary teacher for those who wanted to grow and move forward on their spiritual journey, she was a healer as she listened to others and held them as they worked through the pains of life, she was an intercessor of God’s love as she held you in her prayers always, she lived a modest lifestyle unattached to excessive material comforts of this world, and when you were in her presence you clearly felt that you must be in the presence of God. While Mary Jo has accomplished her mission in the physical world and has crossed over to continue in the spiritual one, she leaves behind a legacy with those individuals who were touched by her incredible soul. Those who knew Mary Jo well and those who only had a glimpse into her beauty, will forever be transformed. There is a poster board in my home that I made the week Mary Jo, my mother passed away. There are words of inspirations and butterflies placed all over the board with a beautiful angel in the middle. Above the angel’s halo reads the following quote by Flavia Weedn : “Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.” This is a quote that describes the ongoing impact that Mary Jo has on all of our lives. She was a person who brought a wealth of synergetic wisdom to our world and that wisdom continues to assist and to affect the lives of many people. She had a special connection with the divine that allowed her to teach many to dance to the beat of life’s beautiful drum, to understand life through the wisdom of their different experiences, or to see the world in a new and wonderful light that allows us to identify the magic that is there. She is the kind of mystical saint who left her mark on the hearts and souls of her fellow seekers. With this knowledge, I stand in utter awe at how magical it was to have had the opportunity to be in her presence and learn God’s message of love. I stand in utter awe that I was a witness to the experience of divine healing through her. For through her, anyone could experience the mystical, anyone could learn and realize their own conscious awareness of a direct experience with God. And, truly that is the calling of a mystical saint, that was the life mission of my mother Mary Jo. When you give birth to something that you are passionate about and let it go out into the world, your hope is that it will be protected and nurtured. But the control is gone, in order to let it thrive and blossom you have to let it go in hopes that others will care for it and love it as much as you did. The greatest blessings is to have one person be touched and inspired by that very thing that came through you whose hope is to make the worlds a better place!!! to touch and inspire—celebrate and liberate others to do the same – then the walls of heaven will disappear and perhaps truly will the essence of the spirit will permeate on the mere mortals of earth illuminating in all of us the majesty that we are so much more than meets the eye- it is one of my dreams!!! There is a little piece of my mother and as she grows it goes with me and I grow as well. And I can use that energy for my children for as I grow they get to expand as well. And to that attitude of gratitude, I am grateful for awareness and hope for a better day, Amen and Alleluia!

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