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Stand still in gratitude and keep your poise!

“Gratitude is the law of increase and complaint is the law of decrease.” Florence Scovel Shinn

So you have stepped into a new year with all your hopes and dreams! While you may or may not have set out your resolutions for what you want to bring into your world, you can be sure that you do subconsciously wish to experience all the good life has to offer.  In order to kick start yourself on a revitalized new journey this year, get into a place of profound gratitude for all of your blessings.  And with that, do your best to stay away from complaining and decide to live in your own complaint free world.   As you focus your attention on what you are grateful for, you will start to notice that your state of mind will reenergize with enthusiasm for all that you already have in your life, be it family, friends, opportunities and the like.  Do your best to choose to keep your consciousness away from the negativity that will do nothing but drain you.  Stand still and shift towards an awareness of being thankful for what will give you a deep appreciation for the law that will increase more of the same.  As you keep your poise and discipline your focus in this positive direction, you will find that this way of thinking will do more than sustain you! An attitude of gratitude never fails. At a minimum, it will bolster your chance to realize all your hopes and dreams in this new year and beyond with an open and grateful heart! You will certainly feel better for it!

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