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Inspiration comes from everywhere – are you paying attention?

“Inspiration comes from everywhere. Often my art is a reenactment of my own personal feelings. I am inspired by my own experiences, emotions and the journeys I am taking.”

Nathan Sawaya

Your creative-self is ready to burst from inside you like the first rays of sunshine on a cloudy day.  Absorb the inspiration that emanates from your life journey and use it to create something so magical that it evokes amazing fits of passion in the observer. Fear has no place there.  It is only an unwelcome visitor who attempts to distract you from the greatness that is yours to discover. You feel the stirring in your soul when you happen upon something that brings you great joy. You know how your feelings guide you and lead you to become more of the artist you are born to be.  Follow that inspiration and you will choose bliss. It is the only way to live.  Choose bliss.  It is the only way to honor those gifts that have been bestowed upon you.  Choose bliss.  Anything else would lead to a life of frustration and hardship.  When you are faced with choices, follow bliss and trust that the one you choose will lead you in the right direction to the right connections that will reveal themselves as guides to validate your path.  Get inspired today and engage the dormant creativity that lies in your heart waiting to be exposed.  There when you surrender to the inspiration from whichever direction it arrives, you will become free as it comes from everywhere to not only awaken your spirit, but stir the souls of others as well.

Magical Key to Bliss: Pay attention to the messages you get today, inspiration comes from everywhere!


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