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Here comes the sun!

Here comes the sun, it’s alright! “In moods of discouragement or despair never forget that the sunshine will ultimately come back, that its absence is never permanent. Hang on to your faith knowing that soon you will rise into the sunshine again.” Norman Vincent Peale

I am at my childhood home in Orlando this weekend visiting my dad and sister to celebrate the baby shower of the soon to be newest member of our family, Chase Joseph. This visit I came upon a magnet on our fridge that I gave my mom about one month before she passed away. On it was the quote as set forth above. When I gave it to her, I hoped that it would inspire her to fight on and beat the disease in her body. As I read it today, I realize that the message may have been given to her, but it is for my family who remains here now. The sunshine will ultimately come back. Something I did not initially believe, but now realize to be true. Nearly two years later, the pain remains but now it is no longer constant and the grief less enveloping and defining. We have maintained the family ties that have helped each one of us through and it appears as we go out to celebrate a new life joining our “tribe” we are rising into the sunshine again. That is the beauty of the impending birth of a baby, there is so much hope and joy to be found and discovered as we all wait to meet him for the first time. Holding tight to the faith that everything would be ok, grateful for those who have supported us to this point and continuing to feel love for those who have made the journey easier, we are able to hold each other’s hands and realize the truth of these words- the absence of the sun is never permanent. The human spirit will prevail when faced with a challenge especially when we are surrounded by love. Something to think about if you are going through a tough time. Remember as the Beatles sang, here comes the sun and I say it’s alright! Because as long as you hold onto your faith, be open to the love around you, the sun will return and you will be alright! Something that I have learned over time and have had to be reminded of. something for which I am so grateful. So tomorrow when we celebrate with family and friends who are family, the joy we will feel will be even more appreciated because while we have been in darkness we truly will feel the light!

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