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Dare to do great things!

Dare to do great things!

“Nothing great has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances.”

Bruce Barton, 1886-1967, Author, Advertising Executive, and Politician

We were all born with the ability to nurture ourselves past any hurdle or challenge that life presents. Couple the nurturing with a fastidious belief in all that is possible and we are not stopped by our experience of what is! When we make the decision that today is the time to start to nurture the vision that we have of our life, then we will be able to whittle away our insecurities, only to find that confident person waiting to burst out.  Time to start believing when the going gets tough that  we are all superior to our circumstances!  And that is the truth, if it is all an illusion anyway, then wouldn’t it be fantastic to choose the illusion that you so desire! Dare to do great things my friends and the universe will answer to the call! Think big and you shall flourish- just don’t give up and you will never know defeat even in failure! You shall only know success because you keep moving forward and dare to do great things!  Have a wonderful day!

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